You only have one shot to find the next Shiba “Inu.”


Decentralization (n): a transfer of the locus of control away from centralized entities to a distributed network for the preservation of said network (Power from the few, to the many).








We are INU, strategically launched during the bear market in July of 2022. We are a thoroughly decentralized community of DeFi maxis. Additionally, we believe that community/meme tokens when established, organized, and governed correctly are the future of crypto representing the epitome of decentralized finance. We welcome any individual who would like to contribute to our cause of spontaneous, decentralized ecosystem building.

INU was created to take advantage of a “second to market” approach to SHIB while capitalizing off of the lessons learned through its successes and failures. We recognize SHIB as one of the most explosive crypto projects to ever enter the cryptosphere, but being the first to garner this kind of success provides a bevy of valuable lessons for projects willing to learn and improve on the process.

Not only do we have a firm grasp on what made SHIB successful, we also have an understanding of some of the things that SHIB could have approached differently. SHIB is unparalleled because no project has attempted the path SHIB took without trying to shortcut the process. This has led us to a community crypto landscape that is full of dishonesty, disloyalty, and rugpulls. Building a successful decentralized ecosystem from the ground up is still possible, but a community that cares is necessary.

We don’t believe community tokens are ever going to go away. We just believe that the majority of those present today will not survive past a year or more. The future will consist of those who successfully create an economy that stimulates and facilitates transactions. We also believe there is, and will continue to be, a shortage of projects like ours that actually look to build a community the right way, keeping its power firmly in the hands of the community as opposed to a centralized entity.


We differ from other projects in several ways, but the most important ways are:


Many projects are centralizing in nature which goes against the first tenet of crypto. With INU we have international, decentralized teams that are tasked with different duties that all work toward the goal of maintaining decentralization of a functioning economy for anyone who wants to participate.


There are very few projects that are conscientious or forward thinking about upcoming regulations. Regulations are the giant elephant in the room when it comes to cryptocurrency. We all know that some regulation could be good crypto, but overregulation could be disastrous. So how a project begins and operates is very important. This is why we have chosen to remain decentralized and look to decentralize even further in the future. It is also the reason why we have no buy/sell taxes on our token, our token was fairly launched, and those who are in leadership positions are simply volunteers who believe strongly in our cause. We fight to make sure that the community maintains the power over the project and no one expects payment for their contributions.


Our ecosystem will be an ecosystem of goods, services, and transactions that exist for the benefit of our project. INU will not be an ecosystem of multiple tokens or relaunches. INU is one token, one focus.


Many tokens lack the foresight beyond building frivolous tech that offers no utility at all. An economy must be created to sustain any project long term. If a project is not doing this, then it will not be able to stand the test of time.


No one owns this project or custodies the funds of any INU holders. This was at one point the standard for any community token that wanted to be trusted. Most contracts that aren't renounced rug pull and token taxes are often misused or stolen. Contract ownership and taxes also effectively centralizes a project, taking trust out of the community and placing it solely in the hands of the contract owner.


We aren’t centralized in any one part of the world. Work is always being done around the clock with various aspects of the project. Our wide and vastly different life experiences contribute to making our community diverse in nationality and thought. Anyone can step up to the plate and volunteer in capacities that are needed. This is true community building with leadership that emanates from inside the comfort and efforts of our INU CREW family.


“Ok, I just want to say that the INU community has truly inspired me. I mean, moved me to actual tears. The way we’ve rallied around each other and forged an international sense of community and respect for each other so early on… I’m just really at a loss for words”

— Hiro, Community Servant (@INU_Hiro_ via Twitter-7/31/22)