Our INU community is the life-blood of our token. Without our community the token means nothing, but the INU Project as a whole does give our community a sense of purpose. This guide is created for the #INUCREW community so that we may grow stronger on one accord with purposeful intent to establish and maintain ourselves as the greatest community token project in crypto.

Our core beliefs:

1. Decentralization will be a key to our success. Many communities are not properly decentralized or highly centralized even though they operate in DeFi (decentralized finance) spaces. We believe there is a large sector of people who are or will be looking for truly decentralized projects in the near future. In particular, the year 2022 made us all witnesses to the pitfalls of having singular and centralized points of failure in some of our centralized crypto projects and exchanges. The return of true DeFi is here with INU.

2. ECONOMY BUILDING is of the utmost importance for any crypto project. Everything INU does will be underpinned by the idea that crypto projects that fail to cultivate an economy in which people can transact will ultimately fail. Therefore, it is imperative that we build a strong economy around our token that not only reaches those who are crypto enthusiasts, but also grabs the attention of those who never thought they would interact with crypto.

3. REGULATIONS are coming. Whether we agree or don’t agree with them, we must be prepared and conduct ourselves in a way that anticipates regulations so that we are not affected like projects that do run afoul of securities laws.

4. We believe in the “network effect”. Value of a product or service increases when the number of people using the product/services increases. Therefore, a focus on community building is critical.

Community behavior across all platforms:

1. RESPECT AND HONOR: This will be the number one rule within our community. Holders should respect other holders and disagreements should be handled respectfully. Community leaders are all volunteer status. Respect for these people must be maintained. Respect for their time, hours upon hours in most cases for the INU cause, is a must. They don't have to be here but they are and that is special. Likewise, those in elevated roles are commanded to respect all community members. Creating positivity and cultivating respect within the community will attract others who are like-minded. This is the goal.

2. EDUCATION: We want educated holders and leaders who are willing to share knowledge. Not just about INU, but cryptocurrency and decentralization in general. Within our community, we want as many educators as possible. Those who are willing or able to take the time to respectfully explain concepts or answer questions will be highly regarded within the community. When we witness acts like this, we should acknowledge their efforts. Crypto has a steep learning curve and we all started somewhere.

3. Patience is key in crypto. Sometimes, it feels as if there is a “hurry up and wait” mentality that goes with it. INU holders must understand that we are here for the long term and building something great always takes time. A setback can oftentimes become a setup for something even greater.

We want to set the standard for the world to see what the power of community can accomplish when we are all on one accord.